With every Asian thing trending this decade, it’s difficult not to be involved in at least one. From entertainment to food, you’ll see the eastern world’s culture and traditions in all fields. And Japanese Hime cut is in no way going to be left behind.

While the hime cut, also called the jaw-drop haircut, has been trending just recently, it’s not very new. The world however came to know about it after the emergence of K-pop and TikTok. In this article, you’ll learn all there is to know about this popular haircut that’s taking over the internet at a great speed.

What Is the Japanese Hime Cut

No doubt, your Instagram and TikTok feed must be filled with people rocking this hairstyle. You may have also seen some of your favorite anime characters featuring the Hime cut. While the haircut may look pretty elegant and stylish, it’s not very easy to become an expert at.

The Hime cut can be defined as long, straight hair at the back with blunt length variations on either side and at the front. The shortest length is the straight-cut front bangs that end at the eyelashes. The second layer ends just above the jaw while the last layer generally falls below the shoulder.

Of course, there are several variations of the Japanese Hime cut as you move across regions. If you’re planning to transform your hair into a Hime cut, you must know that this style requires regular maintenance.

Hime Cut and the Trends

You must be wondering if Hime cut isn’t new, then why is it trending all of a sudden. Well, you may have noticed that older fashions are brought back every now and then. Currently, it is the 70s style that has become street fashion.

From miniskirts to floral prints, every 1970s fashion statement is in the limelight. Of course, hairstyles are no exception. You’ll see every other person will mullets, shags, or curtain bangs. The Hime cut also belongs to that time period.

From a different perspective, the most interesting haircuts become popular right after key events in history. As the Covid-19 wave restricted everyone to stay locked indoors, people are now rushing to get a striking haircut to experience the freedom fully.

Maintaining the Hime Cut

The Japanese Hime cut is a perfect choice for those seeking to try something new but keep their length at the same time. However, its maintenance can be quite a chore, especially if you lack natural straightness. But with these quick tips, the task immediately becomes easy.

Whether you straighten hair through natural means or by using heat, you need to use shampoos particularly designed to protect the straightness of your hair. Moreover, the side locks and front bangs need to look smooth to complement the whole look. So you need to use an effective hair conditioner and serum to keep all sections softer and bouncier.

Final Thoughts

The Japanese Hime cut is not very easy to pull off. You need to have medium to thick hair in order to look your best. However, for those suffering from hair thinning and rough texture, they have the option to buy the Hime cut wigs. There are numerous manufacturers selling a variety of Hime cut styles. All you need to do now is find your perfect fit.


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